Educational Lunch mit Jamil Sawalma, Country Director Palestine
Jamil Sawalma, Country Director of Right To Play Palestine, provided information about our play-based activities and the situation of children in Palestine during the two Educational Events.

Jamil Sawalma has been working for Right To Play for eleven years and has been involved practically since the beginning of the activities in Palestine in 2003. Having grown up in a refugee camp in Palestine himself, his stories were able to put the audience in the shoes of a child growing up with the challenges and restrictions that life in Palestine presents.
As a particularly dedicated student, Jamil had the opportunity to study in London and work for international organizations. This has boosted his confidence and changed his personal perspective on many things. With Right To Play, he is committed to ensuring that children benefit from a play-based education and are equipped with important skills to take control of their own lives. In 2017, he won the Child 10 Award for his commitment.

Due to the geographical division of Palestine into the two territories of Gaza and the West Bank, as well as the strict Israeli surveillance and unpredictable military attacks, children in Palestine grow up without prospects and in constant uncertainty. This leads to hopelessness, disorientation, and a lack of development of important personal and social skills.
Right To Play is committed to improving the quality of education and providing a safe learning environment for children in and outside of refugee camps in Palestine. Through game-based learning methods, children enjoy school and develop an interest in their education. Sports and games also foster important emotional and social skills such as self-confidence, empathy, teamwork, conflict resolution and communication skills.
Classroom Transformation
In collaboration with the Palestinian Ministry of Education, minimum standards for an active classroom were introduced in 2018, providing a foundation for a positive and welcoming learning environment. These allow for game-based learning methodology, gender exchange, and classroom participation of children with disabilities. Particular attention is paid to interactivity between all those involved in the classroom.

Sport and play as psychological support
Right To Play also uses the power of play in crisis situations. Sports and play in groups are particularly well suited to helping children emerge from a traumatizing environment and restore some sense of normalcy. To do this, the coaches trained by Right To Play use different types of play, such as role-playing games, which allow children to express themselves in an accessible way and to process what they have experienced. The positive experiences, as well as the conversations in the groups, make the children feel less alone with their feelings and what they have experienced.
Mélody Duarte
Heartfelt thanks
Thank you to all the guests for their participation and interest in our programs in Palestine.
A big thank you goes to Jamil Sawalma who gave us an insight into the Right To Play programs in Palestine and described the difficult circumstances in which the children live.
Thank you to Honey Taljieh, Corporate Communications Manager at FIFA, for sharing her story with Right To Play Circle (Patrons Club) members at the Educational Briefing at Property One. She has been an advocate for gender equality, human rights and sport since she was young and established women's football in Palestine. Her story is a great example of how sport can positively change people's lives and attitudes.
Thank you to the three Right To Play Ambassadors Roger Furrer, Carlos Lima and Alexander Martinez for attending the Educational Lunch and sharing with our guests.
Many thanks to Rahn+Bodmer Co. and Property One for their hospitality, catering and making the events possible at their facilities.